Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Blur

Dear Diary, 
I have been working on my stealth ability lately. How fast can I run around the house without anyone seeing me? I am quick and they call me "The Blur" I am good at being quick but the old lady says running into things  is not very stealth like. I need to work on my stopping and apparently my direction because when I zoom all over the house things fall over, or they chase me. I was exercising with a plastic bag the other day and just swish swish running back and forth, a few leaps when the air picked it up and it scared me, when it latched on! Before I knew it I had run into the other room even faster and bam right into the bookcase, bag and all. Those bags are evil but prove to be good trainers. I do admit I get a bit scared when they latch on; I need to work on that. I must be fierce! Early morning is the best time to be a blur. When the old lady get her coffee and fills the water bowl, I run back and forth and she is so slow all she says is ... "Good Morning BlurBoo" she is cute sometimes with her nicknames. I don't care what she calls me; I just like to be recognized in the mornings for being up and cheerful. Of course this morning I did get locked out of my girls’ room after she proclaimed I was driving her crazy. Not my fault she doesn't like to get up at 6 am. Teens... seriously. (rolls eyes)

1 comment:

  1. I recommend get the my girl category...could be a hoot!
