Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hunting Bunnies

Dear Diary,

I have been given a new role in the family unit. “Dust Bunny Wrangler” is my official title; quoting the old lady. She said it is an excellent challenge for my stealth and ninja ability. My size is perfect for this too; small is needed to be a bunny wrangler. There seems to be an ever growing population of bunnies in our home. I have found a few and the old lady removes them, but I can still find more. The best places to find the bunnies are under things. They like to hide in small dark corners. Sometimes they are so big they attack me! I have to run out from their hiding spot and have the old lady grab them off me! I didn't think they came with a sticky attachment but you learn something new every day. The more I come across, the more treats I get! I like this new position. Cue commentary in my head… And now the MIGHTY dust bunny hunter strikes again! 


  1. You should be a professional bio writer for my kittens. I love this!!!!

  2. This needs to be video material...
