Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Denied freedom

Dear Diary,

There seems to be some immunity to my meows lately. I have been working on communicating with the old lady and she keeps denying my chatter. I have even found a few higher notes. It’s not the soft whisper of a baby anymore; I am working on my Roar! I really wanted to go outside yesterday. The other fur babies were allowed. Am I not the Cat Dog the old man that visits, calls me? He was outside most of the day and I really wanted to help him. I could have chased all the leaves he was mowing over. I kept telling them I wanted to help, but they just kept saying “that was a treat, because soon you will be defenseless” What does that mean? I have ninja claws! I climbed a tree! I am INVINSIBLE! I finally had to give up and take a nap. All the excitement of the outside world was just out of my reach and I got very sleepy trying to break free of the shackles of the house. I believe I am doomed to live here in jail. Yup that’s me, Boo cat extraordinaire… left to live a life with 4 walls and a cot. Oh the agony! 

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