Dear Diary,
I started my kitten gymnastics training. Our first course is the
Swiffer Jump. I have so much work to do, because the old lady says some day I will
be able to jump on the washer and dryer and <as she gasps and sighs> the
counters in the kitchen. Straight from the floor too! I won’t have to jump on
the chair then the table and try to make it across. I am pretty sure they don’t
allow me on the table because they yell and come running with the air can. That
is a different story all to itself! Air
cans are evil! I think I am showing I have the skills to succeed in this training session. If you watch closely I did a flip with a dismount on top of a box!
Documentation exhibit 1. The beginning of an athlete, the
Swiffer Jump.
As you can see I made them stop working on other projects to do this exercise.
Can the Boo kitty get the swiffer once in a while?