Dear Diary,
I have been working on how to land on all four paws. Some
would think a cat comes preprogrammed to do this. I am saying it takes
practice. The other day I was frolic mode and rolling around on my tower. The
edge came closer than I thought and off I flew. I landed on my side. Kittens don’t bounce. I think I am being
good about quickly righting myself once on the ground and pretty sure I have
perfected the “I meant to do that” look. The old lady is very good at
helping me practice landing on all fours. I climb on her desk she drops me on
the ground. If I am quick to get back to her desk she is so helpful and ups the
heigth she drops me and sometimes the distance is included. So I tend to RUN
back to her desk over and over because I don’t want to waste her time. She
wants to help me in my training. One time she actually had to tell me to take a
break, which I was over studying the lesson. I believe she thinks I am too
small to continue such a rigorous course. That time I had to practice actually
flying and landing on all 4 paws. But it was ok it was onto the couch in the
spare room and oops she forgot I can’t open doors and closed it on me again.
I would say at this point I am still learning and at a 50%
success rate. But I know due to my persistence and the old ladies help I will
be upping that rate with every lesson.